VELKOMIN Í forsetinn café

Bar, Café & Bistró

Um Okkur

Forsetinn er notalegur veitingastaður, kaffihús & bar á miðjum Laugavegi.
Við leggjum áherslu á góðan íslenskan mat, gómsætar súpur og smærri rétti. Velkomin í morgunkaffi, kökur og góða drykki alla daga.
Bjór á krana, úrval léttvín & kokteilar. Frábært útisvæði á sumrin þar sem sólin skín á góðum dögum.

Judith T

A very comfortable and friendly bar. The staff were lovely . We enjoyed our food so much we came back twice . The traditional Icelandic dishes were delicious . Very relaxed atmosphere. We loved it .


Wonderful service. Very comfortable place. My fish and chips were delicious! Would recommend for relaxing with coffee or eating lunch or dinner.


This is a wonderfully cozy spot in the middle of town. The service is friendly and efficient. You really feel like you’re visiting a friend’ house. You are made to feel at home. The food was great! My favorite dish was the lamb soup. It was honestly one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. The skyr cake with berries was also quite delicious. The prices are also quite reasonable by Reykjavik standards.

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